When you have two avid collectors of sought after and well used relics of a bygone era, such as Don and Dorothy, the collection is quite amazing. The museum is housed in a huge traditional barn that has been lined with timbers from the old barn and buildings on the property – the atmosphere will transport you back to a long-gone era before technology.

There is even an old tool and tack shed standing in the middle of the display. Also to be admired are various authentic tools and machinery from the early 1900’s including farm tractors, horse drawn implements, intriguing tools and labour ‘slaving’ equipment, and the pride of the shed (or so Don says) is the 1927 Chevy Truck – fully restored and still running.

You are free to browse around and imagine how hard it must have been over a 100 years ago to get anything done, especially when you see some of the implements that people had to work with. It reminds you of your heritage and the ‘Pioneering’ legends that have helped to create this wonderful country.